August 2023 From the President

We’ve been so lucky that summer in our area has been remarkably mild compared with much of the rest of the country and world. Fingers crossed that our good fortune continues!

Film Chair Terri Kochert has selected three PBS titles for showing at CAMS South in November, January, and March. Our August annual fundraising appeal will provide the details. We’re nearly ready to print the Activities List for the 2023-2024 season; it will be included with the fundraising letter. We’ll also be updating this website to reflect the schedule of events.

Terri and other volunteers set up a display table at the Chambersburg Farmers’ Market on the last Saturdays of June and July, with plans for doing the same in August and September. Contact Terri to volunteer and help attract new members.

The garden tour event was so successful that Josh Donaldson and the Garden Gang are already planning for next summer. Stop by to admire the garden anytime.

Migration is starting. You can subscribe to alerts in eBird to learn about unusual sightings. Bill Oyler will lead our first Fall Migration field trip on September 2.

May you have a wonderful end of summer. Thanks for your support for Conococheague Audubon and the birds!

August 2023 From the President
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