July 2021 from the President

Hello Fellow Nature Lovers,

As we approach our most important national holiday in three more days on July 4, I want to encourage each of us to be thankful for the wonderful freedoms that we have in this country.  I continue to believe that this is the greatest nation in the world.  That is why we have so many clamoring and dying to come here.  For 245 years we have been offering our inhabitants freedom of speech, freedom to worship, freedom to bear arms, freedom to travel, and freedom to work hard to provide for our individual families.  We are a nation of high ideals and opportunities.   We must remember that this is not so in many other nations of the world. I know.  I have traveled to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Mexico, and Central America.  I have seen the oppression and poverty conditions. Trust me, there is NO other nation like the USA.  It’s no wonder that the news of our good fortune travels extensively around the world?  I passionately believe that our nation has been blessed because of its godly foundation, i.e., our beloved believing founding Fathers.  So, please take a moment and thank our Creator for the fact that we “get to” call this nation our home.  I didn’t say the USA is perfect.  Of course not, we are a nation comprised of flawed human beings.  Be that as it may, I’m grateful that I live here and am proud to call this my home.

Speaking of home, CAS is again in search of a Vice President.  Please keep Jessica, her husband Garry, and family in your prayers for improved health for Garry. 

Thus, I am in need of a Vice President to serve through April 30, 2022 and then presiding as President from May 1, 2022 -April 30, 2024.  If interested, please contact Terri through ConAudubon@outlook.com.

I do have some news about the Breeding Bird Blitz to share with you.  Bob Keener, the Captain of Blue Mountain Avian Seekers team from the CAS area, reported that his team saw a total of 90 different species in one day.  He says his team recorded nine target special interest Wood Thrushes in their travels around Franklin County.  Vern Gauthier, director of this year’s first annual four-day Breeding Bird Blitz for Conservation (B4C), reported that there were 22 different Blitz teams comprised of 89 people who covered 30 counties in Pennsylvania. You can see the contest highlights/winning teams by pasting the following link into your browser. https://www.breedingbirdblitz.org/post/results

There were two targeted special interest species: the Wood Thrush and the Northern Harrier.  As Bob Keener confirmed above, Wood Thrush were seen, but Vern says not one Northern Harrier was spotted during the four-day Blitz.   Vern reported, too, that B4C doubled their anticipated goal of $5,000!  So, that is $10,000 that will be evenly distributed to Hawk Mountain, Manada Conservancy, and Western Pennsylvania Conservancy.  Thank you all who supported our team and contributed to these wonderful conservancies, which are doing much to preserve our feathered friends and other wildlife.

Local bird sightings have slowed down considerably.  The Kentucky Warbler is still being heard and seen in the same Buchanan State Forest where it was originally found in May (as of June 22).  There was a Least Flycatcher on the Penn State Mont Alto Campus, and a Eurasian Collared Dove in Greencastle.  On June 30th Bill Oyler saw and heard a female Summer Tanager along Red Rock Road!  Bob and I have a persevering House Wren who finally attracted a mate to our backyard wren box.  We can’t wait to see the fledglings. We do so enjoy our Jenny Wren’s beautiful song. 

Please continue to report your bird sightings on eBird.org.  It is your way of contributing to Citizen Science, helping keep track of where the birds are on any given day of the year.  eBird.org is a world-wide “bank” of bird information.  Please feel free to check it out.  

On Saturday, June 26, 2021, a few volunteers from CAS had a display table set up at the North Square Farmers Market in Chambersburg.  It was thrilling to once again be out and among people, sharing our love of birds and nature with the public, giving them helpful brochures promoting native plant gardens to attract birds and pollinators. We engaged a total of 37 visitors including 19 children.  The children were excited to color bird pictures and receive a brightly colored bird sticker. We will be there again on July 24, August 28, September 25, and October 23, 2021.  Please come help out, visit, and/or send your family our way on those days.  

Again, please do not forget to sign up for our new fall field trip to Cape May, NJ, September 22-24, 2021.  Mark your calendars now for the three-day outing.  Call Sue Greer for the hotel information, as you will have to make your own reservations.  It’s not too early to reserve your spot on this outing.  

Sept. 22-24, Wed.-Fri.                       FIELD TRIP

Trip to Cape May, NJ, for FALL MIGRANTS: WARBLERS, RAPTORS, and SEABIRDS. Bring scopes and binoculars.  For information, call Sue Greer at 443-255-9559 or email her at sgreer412@gmail.com.  Sign-up deadline is Sept. 15.

For your viewing pleasure, please consider watching the live cam of an Atlantic Puffin on the nest in Maine.  You may have to copy and paste the following link into your browser to view. https://explore.org/livecams/puffins/puffin-burrow-cam?emci=588e7d5a-b7d2-eb11-a7ad-501ac57b8fa7&emdi=ed823fe8-c2d2-eb11-a7ad-501ac57b8fa7&ceid=4271689

For some information on backyard birds and their sounds, watch the following 42-minute video below. You may have to copy the link and paste it into your browser to view.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEXX6Oyuj4k

Happy Fourth of July!  Good birding to all!

Terri Kochert  

July 2021 from the President
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