UPDATED March 2021 from the President

Hello fellow nature lovers,

Today is a “ducky” day in two different ways.  First, we are getting drenched with rain.  I believe nearly all the snow will be gone soon. We also will be seeing some warmer temperatures this week to come.  It appears that spring is on its way!

Secondly, as the Brits use the word “ducky,” they mean that whatever they’re referring to is wonderful. Thus, I have some “ducky news” to share with you.  I now have a competent, capable, vibrant Vice President.  Her name is Jessica Ferguson.  She’s very handy with the computer, knowing where to find information. She’s full of ideas and helpful too. She is a budding photographer and an intense neophyte birder, desiring to learn everything she can about birds.  She and her husband have four children and they’ve been in the area for fifteen years. Working for Waste Connections, Scotland, PA, Jessica plans to take college classes this fall, pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science through American Public University in West Virginia.  I am so thrilled to have her as my vice president!  Welcome, Jessica!

There are several things to bring to your attention concerning near future CAS events.

Don’t forget to sign up if interested in this Saturday’s March 6, 2021 auto tour to Middle Creek WMA, Lancaster County to see Snow Geese and other waterfowl.  Contact Eric and Rhetta Martin at 717-597-8675.  Meet at the Park & Ride, Scotland, Exit 20, I-81 northbound at 6:30 AM.  Bring scopes, binoculars, CBs, and lunch.   

  • March 8, 2021, Monday, at 7 PM a Zoom meeting: Homeland Security: Native Trees Are a Bird’s Refuge with Scott Willard. Please follow the following Zoom instructions. We will not be meeting in person. 
  • To participate in our Zoom presentation, you need to download “Zoom” onto your computer, tablet, or cell phone. Once you have it downloaded, save this email and/or flag it until Mar. 8, 2021.  I will also send out a Zoom reminder with the Zoom link on Sunday, March 7, making it more easily accessible.  On Monday, March 8, at about 6:50 PM, turn on your computer, open the email, press the link, and you will be invited in by our tech guru, Val Barnes closer to 7 PM.  You may choose to be connected via “video” where we will see your face, or you can connect via “audio only”.  If you choose audio, you/we will see your name, but not your face.  You will be able to see and hear the presentation without being seen.  Once you have been invited, I ask you to kindly “mute” yourself until the end when John will entertain questions.  At that time, you will need to “unmute” yourself before speaking.  Too many unmuted voices at the same time create echoes and sound distortion.  So, please, mute yourselves until you have a question to ask.  I thank you in advance. For your information, there will be NO interruption this time. Here is our Zoom link: 

Conococheague Audubon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Conococheague Audubon’s Zoom Meeting

Time: Mar 8, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Meeting ID: 721 120 3928

Passcode: cardinal20  

  • March 9, 2021 Tuesday.  Join us for our annual field trip to see the Woodcocks at Heisey Orchard Road.  Meet at the Park & Ride, Scotland, Exit 20, I-81 northbound at this new new time: 6:00 PM. Bring flashlights and binoculars.  Notify Bob Kochert 717-263-3692.
  • Remember that we will be holding our annual business meeting and elections on Monday, April 12 at 7 PM. Prepare to vote for two new directors nominated to serve a three-year term: John and Sure Greer. You may vote during the meeting or in advance via email by sending a message to our email account.
  • For your viewing pleasure, check out the following link for live webcams of Bald Eagles and other birds.

Hoping to see some of you on upcoming field trips,


UPDATED March 2021 from the President
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