July 2020 From the President

Greetings fellow nature lovers,
I trust that now that Franklin County has gone “green” that you are getting out more frequently to enjoy all life has to offer. It feels so good to be able to get your hair cut again. I do not think I will ever again take my hairdresser’s “essential services” for granted! Like many of you, I am still waiting to have face to face encounters with my dentist and doctors. Hopefully, this too shall pass despite spikes of the coronavirus in neighboring states. I encourage you all to be careful and be safe.

Unfortunately, our nation has seen its share of upheaval and destruction this past month, scarring our beautiful Spring migration months. As a wildlife conservation group, the Conococheague Audubon Society, affirms that ALL lives matter no matter the color of one’s skin, ethnicity, or any other persuasion. Nature is for ALL to enjoy! I trust that we each acknowledge, greet, and smile at ALL fellow birders we encounter along the way. I personally have found bird watchers to be friendly, kind and most helpful when birding. It is part of our DNA to share our “newest” bird find with others. We want ALL to enjoy and preserve the beauty of this world. That is as it should be.

With June now behind us and the full brunt of hot weather ahead of us, there are less reports of birds being seen. I am grateful for the gloriously happy songs of the Indigo Buntings, Cardinals, and Goldfinches. When in the woods, I still hear the strong admonition of the Oven Bird and the ethereal trill of the Wood Thrush. A visit to the woods would be considered incomplete without hearing the Eastern Towhee reminding me “to drink your tea!”

  • Locally, there are still warblers being seen. There have been sightings of Magnolia and Kentucky warblers, a Blue Grosbeak, and Willow Flycatchers.
  • There are still Grasshopper Sparrows and Dickcissels being reported along local farm lanes.
  • There are still reports of our local population of Eurasian Collared Doves at the Greencastle Reservoir.
  • The Mountain Laurel is now beginning to fade. I do hope you all took the opportunity to drive through Michaux State forest to see it.

May you have a Happy Fourth of July, celebrating safely the freedom we Americans enjoy living here in the United States of America. Bob and I will be celebrating with our children’s families and our daughter’s mother-in-law, now a widow, who will be celebrating her arrival to the USA from Ukraine 71 years ago as a nine-year old girl on July 4. To her this is one of the most meaningful of the holidays we celebrate.

Good birding to you all!

July 2020 From the President
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