Gen. Mtg., Nov. NEW TOPIC: Intro to Wheeling Art Sale and Bird-Related “Yard Sale”

  • Youth Contest winners announced tonight!
  • Main Program: New Topic! Introduction to Wheeling Art Collection and Bird-Related “Yard Sale”
  • Zoom or in-person meeting.
  • Presented by: Anne St. John and those with stuff to sell
  • Members may bring no-longer-needed bird-related items (e.g., binoculars, bird books, bird art, feeders, etc.) and offer them for sale. Buyers should pay the seller via cash or check.
  • Location: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church

Zoom info:

Meeting ID: 721 120 3928

Passcode: cardinal20

Gen. Mtg., Nov. NEW TOPIC: Intro to Wheeling Art Sale and Bird-Related “Yard Sale”
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