- Christmas Bird Count in Franklin/Fulton Counties: Buchanan Trail CBC
- All Day. For information, contact Vern Gauthier

- We’ve scheduled this year’s Christmas Bird Count for Saturday, December 17, 2022. Again, in this year of COVID-19, things will be a little different. To be safe, participants should count only with folks who are not ill and have not been exposed to someone who tested positive for the virus, and should consider wearing masks. If the number of COVID-19 cases spikes dramatically in the weeks leading up to the count, we may cancel it, so please check back here, with your zone captain, or the compiler (Valerie Barnes).
- If you don’t feel comfortable going out, please let your zone captain know well in advance.
- If you live inside our circle, you may want to switch to counting at your feeders this year. See the map below for a view of our circle. If you can’t tell whether you are inside the circle or not, please contact the compiler, Valerie Barnes, or look at the more detailed map. To count at your feeders, please sign up well in advance with Marguerite Fries.
- We will not hold the tally dinner. The compiler will connect with the zone captains to record the results. Results will be posted on our Observation Records page.
- Contact: Valerie Barnes to sign up to count (if you didn’t count last year). Your zone captain should contact you if you counted last year. If you are new to the count, Val will assign you to a zone and the zone captain will contact you.
Download field reporting form
Download feeder reporting form and instructions
Chambersburg Area Christmas Bird Count Circle
Download (9 MB) detailed map
NOT PLANNED in 2022: Tally Dinner to report results of Chambersburg Christmas Bird Count. Due to COVID-19 concerns and lack of staffing at normal venue. Zone captains should forward results to the compiler. We may schedule a Zoom meeting for zone captains to discuss the count.
- Christmas Bird Count in York Springs area
- All Day. For information, contact Tim Johnson.
- Christmas Bird Count in Newville area.
- All Day. For information, contact Vern Gauthier
- The work day scheduled for 15 April is CANCELLED due to the weather forecast.
- From Josh Donaldson – At this point the forecast is for thunderstorms starting early tomorrow morning and most of the morning so we might as well cancel it already. We’ll take the rain!If the storms happen to clear in the afternoon I’ll probably go out to work, we’ll see. Anyone with questions about what they can work on I can meet there some other time next week just get in touch. Otherwise, as usual, everyone is welcome to work at their convenience (anytime) or come to the next work party!
Serviceberry, Redbud, and Ragwort are all in bloom at the garden, other plants are just beginning to pop through the surface.
Thanks for your interest and contributions!
- Location: Norlo Park Native Plants Garden
- Contact: Josh Donaldson
- Work in the native plants garden at NORLO PARK.
- Come and leave when it suits you.
- Bring garden tools and gloves.
- Location: Norlo Park Native Plants Garden
- Contact: Josh Donaldson
- Conservation Count and fundraiser organized by Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology (PSO)
- All day for 1-4 days, Join a team for fundraising opportunities, and/or sponsor one or more teams.
- PSO will select the organizations that will benefit.
- See www.breedingbirdblitz.org for info.
- Contact: Vern Gauthier
- Work in the native plants garden at NORLO PARK.
- Come and leave when it suits you.
- Bring garden tools and gloves.
- Location: Norlo Park Native Plants Garden
- Contact: Josh Donaldson
Work Day: Adopt-A-Highway clean-up on 2 miles of Route 997 (Black Gap Road) west from I-81. Pick up trash on section with wide shoulders, easy walking. Supplies provided.
Meet at Scotland Park & Ride, I-81 exit 20.
Sign up with John Greer