- Destination:Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, near Cambridge, Maryland.
- Auto tour for WATERFOWL.
Friday – Sunday, 14 February – 16 February, 2025. Leave from Martins’ home at 9:00 AM Friday.- Make your own motel arrangements.
- Bring scopes, binoculars, and lunch.
- Leaders: Eric and Rhetta Martin

(near Cambridge, MD)
- Joint Executive Committee and Board of Directors Meeting
- Committee/project chairs also invited.
- Others welcome.
- In-person or via Zoom
- Leader: Valerie Barnes, president
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 818 1713 3091
Passcode: 063249
Destination: Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area, Lancaster County.Auto tour for migrants. Hoping for large numbers of Snow Geese and Tundra Swans; also many ducks and other waterfowl.Bring scopes, binoculars, and lunch.Be prepared to take the PA Turnpike.Meeting place: Park & Ride, Scotland, Exit 20, I-81 northboundLeaders: Eric and Rhetta Martin

(near Kleinfeltersville, PA)

- SOAR (Studying Ornithology Around the Region) walks, 8:00 AM first and third Saturdays; various locations in Franklin County.
- Larry and Sharon Williams, 717-655-7414; see Buttonwood Nature Center, 717-762-0373 for schedule.

Bluebird Trail will open in March. Box monitors are needed.
We’ve added a new trail at Caledonia, and our leaders are still learning where the boxes are.
An information session is planned for Saturday, March 8, at 9:30 AM in the Penn National Clubhouse, 3720 Clubhouse Drive, Fayetteville, PA. The keynote address will be presented by Joan Watroba from the Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania.
Contact: Lynn and Dorian Runt, 717-352-4995 or adamsmail@centurylink.net
- Program:
Originally planned: Birds with a Gettysburg Address.Changed to: Bird Quizzes! - Presented by: Valerie Barnes, using Thayer Birding Software
- Tune up your eyes and ears and be ready to shout out what bird you are seeing and hearing on the screen.
- Available in-person or via Zoom
- Location: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20

- Field Trip: To see and hear the mating rituals of AMERICAN WOODCOCKS at the abandoned Heisey Road Orchard.
- Head to 5207 Heisey Road, Shippensburg, but park 0.10 mile off of Stillhouse Hollow Rd next to abandoned orchard.
- Bring flashlight.
- Be prepared for tall, wet grass.
- Destination: Heisey Road orchard. Note: birders are welcome, despite the Posted signs.
- Leader: Bob Keener

- SOAR (Studying Ornithology Around the Region) walks, 8:00 AM first and third Saturdays; various locations in Franklin County.
- Larry and Sharon Williams, 717-655-7414; see Buttonwood Nature Center, 717-762-0373 for schedule.
- Executive Committee Budget Planning Meeting
- Only via Zoom
- Leader: Donna Hocker, Treasurer
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20

- SOAR (Studying Ornithology Around the Region) walks, 8:00 AM first and third Saturdays; various locations in Franklin County.
- Larry and Sharon Williams, 717-655-7414; see Buttonwood Nature Center, 717-762-0373 for schedule.