Activity: Fine Art Bird Prints.
Just in time for holiday gift-giving, at our December 9 meeting we will display more than 20 fine art prints from the collection of Jim and Deb Wheeling. The Wheelings are generously donating the prints to Conococheague Audubon, and we are offering them to you. Any voluntary contribution would be welcome. The prints will be available for viewing starting at 6:30 PM.
Program Topic : Diversity in the Andes.
Then at 7 PM, the December program, Diversity in the Andes, will highlight the spectacular plumage of bird species in “the birdiest place in the world.” After learning how folks in Colombia and Ecuador are benefiting from birding tourism, the program will finish with a colorful slide show of beautiful equatorial birds.
- Presented by: CAS members Terri Kochert and Debby Hook
- Available in-person or via Zoom
- Location: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Zoom info
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20

- Program: Humming With the Hummingbirds: Small is Beautiful
- Presented by: Members David & Joyce Leaman
- Arranged by: Rhetta Martin
- Available in-person or via Zoom
- Location: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20
Work Day: Adopt-A-Highway clean-up on 2 miles of Route 997 (Black Gap Road) west from I-81. Pick up trash on section with wide shoulders, easy walking. Supplies provided.
Meet at Scotland Park & Ride, I-81 exit 20.
Sign up with John Greer
- Program: Birds with a Gettysburg Address
- Presented by: Bonnie Portzline
- Arranged by: Lisa Coombs
- Available in-person or via Zoom
- Location: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20
- Presentation: Bird Is a Verb: An Introduction to Birding
- Presented by Conococheague Audubon members Ron George and Tracy Snyder
If you love learning about the natural world and spending time outdoors, come learn about the many joys and challenges of birding, including why we don’t call it “bird watching” anymore and why you should go birding!
Learn how to identify different species, including the tools you need, when and where to look for birds, the keys to observing birds, and the importance of listening to bird calls.
Along the way, you’ll see original photos of one hundred different species–almost all of them taken here in South Central Pennsylvania. This is just a sample of the amazing variety of birds that live in, pass through, and wander into our part of the world!
Location: Blue Ridge Summit Library. Located at 13676 Monterey Lane
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214
- Presentation: Bird Is a Verb: An Introduction to Birding
- Presented by Conococheague Audubon members Ron George and Tracy Snyder
If you love learning about the natural world and spending time outdoors, come learn about the many joys and challenges of birding, including why we don’t call it “bird watching” anymore and why you should go birding!
Learn how to identify different species, including the tools you need, when and where to look for birds, the keys to observing birds, and the importance of listening to bird calls.
Along the way, you’ll see original photos of one hundred different species–almost all of them taken here in South Central Pennsylvania. This is just a sample of the amazing variety of birds that live in, pass through, and wander into our part of the world!
Location: Coyle Free Library located at 102 N Main St, Chambersburg PA 17201
- Presentation: Bird Is a Verb: An Introduction to Birding
- Presented by Conococheague Audubon members Ron George and Tracy Snyder
If you love learning about the natural world and spending time outdoors, come learn about the many joys and challenges of birding, including why we don’t call it “bird watching” anymore and why you should go birding!
Learn how to identify different species, including the tools you need, when and where to look for birds, the keys to observing birds, and the importance of listening to bird calls.
Along the way, you’ll see original photos of one hundred different species–almost all of them taken here in South Central Pennsylvania. This is just a sample of the amazing variety of birds that live in, pass through, and wander into our part of the world!
Location: Grove Family Library located at 101 Ragged Edge Rd S,
Chambersburg PA 17202
- Work in the native plants garden at NORLO PARK.
- Come and leave when it suits you.
- Bring garden tools and gloves.
- Location: Norlo Park Native Plants Garden
- Contact: Josh Donaldson
Presentation: All About Birds
Presented by Conococheague Audubon member Terri Kochert.
As part of the library’s Children’s Hour, this FREE presentation is geared towards children. Plans include a Bird Trivia game and other activities. See what bird nests, eggs, and feathers look like up close.
Location: Coyle Free Library, 102 N Main St, Chambersburg PA 17201.
- Topic 1 Annual business meeting and elections. All chapter members welcome.
- Topic 2: Radio-tracking Passerines in Early Successional Habitat
- Presented by: Grace Muench
- Arranged by: Dave Ebbitt
- Available in-person or via Zoom
- Location: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20