- Field Trip: FALL MIGRANTS.
- Bring binoculars and snack.
- One mile walk in wet grass at Heisey Orchard. Then by car on Michaux SF roads with additional walk(s) of up to half mile, with trip ending between 12 and 1 PM.
- Meeting place: Park & Ride, Scotland Exit 20, I-81 northbound.
- Destinations: Heisey Rd Orchard and Michaux State Forest.
- Leader: Bill Oyler

- SOAR (Studying Ornithology Around the Region) walks, 8:00 AM first and third Saturdays; various locations in Franklin County.
- Larry and Sharon Williams, 717-655-7414; see Buttonwood Nature Center, 717-762-0373 for schedule.
- Topic: Eastern Australia, A Birding Tour
- Presented by: Jeanne Verhulst
- Organized by: Janet Tice
- Available in-person or via Zoom
- Location: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20

- Field Trip: For FALL MIGRANTS. Walk along part of Cumberland Valley Rail Trail in Chambersburg.
- Bring binoculars.
- Location: Meet at Big Lots, 184 Southgate Mall, parking lot next to Washington Street Cumberland Valley Rail-Trail. Will carpool to rail-trail parking.
- Leader: Debby Hook

- SOAR (Studying Ornithology Around the Region) walks, 8:00 AM first and third Saturdays; various locations in Franklin County.
- Larry and Sharon Williams, 717-655-7414; see Buttonwood Nature Center, 717-762-0373 for schedule.
- Joint Executive Committee and Board of Directors Meeting
- Committee/project chairs also invited.
- Others welcome.
- In-person or via Zoom
- Leader: Valerie Barnes, president
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20
Work Day: Adopt-A-Highway clean-up on 2 miles of Route 997 (Black Gap Road) west from I-81. Pick up trash on section with wide shoulders, easy walking. Supplies provided.
Meet at Scotland Park & Ride, I-81 exit 20.
Sign up with John Greer

- SOAR (Studying Ornithology Around the Region) walks, 8:00 AM first and third Saturdays; various locations in Franklin County.
- Larry and Sharon Williams, 717-655-7414; see Buttonwood Nature Center, 717-762-0373 for schedule.
All or part of the day Saturday and Sunday. Observe birds from within a 17-foot circle anywhere. Report via eBird.
Conococheague Audubon Society Outreach
Display table at Tayamentasachta Environmental Center’s Apple Festival. Contact Terri Kochert to help.