All or part of the day Saturday and Sunday. Observe birds from within a 17-foot circle anywhere. Report via eBird.
Conococheague Audubon Society Outreach
Display table at Tayamentasachta Environmental Center’s Apple Festival. Contact Terri Kochert to help.

- Nature Film: Islands of Wonder: Madagascar, PBS.
- The oldest island on Earth, Madagascar has been isolated longer than any other place in the world. Life here has had time to evolve in unusual ways, resulting in more unique wildlife than possibly any other island on the planet.
- Door prizes, one free youth binoculars prize. No pre-film music.
- Location: Chambersburg Area Middle School South (CAMS)
- Chambersburg Area Christmas Bird Count is on Saturday, December 14, 2024.
- If you live inside our circle, you may want to count at your feeders this year. See the map below for a view of our circle. If you can’t tell whether you are inside the circle or not, please contact the compiler, Valerie Barnes, or look at the more detailed map. To count at your feeders, please sign up well in advance with Marguerite Fries.
- We will not hold a tally dinner. The compiler will connect with the zone captains to record the results. Results will be posted on our Observation Records page.
- Contact: Valerie Barnes to sign up to count (if you didn’t count last year). Your zone captain should contact you if you counted last year. If you are new to the count, Val will assign you to a zone and the zone captain will contact you.
Download field reporting form
Download feeder reporting form and instructions
Chambersburg Area Christmas Bird Count Circle
Download (9 MB) detailed map
- Christmas Bird Count in Franklin/Fulton Counties: Buchanan Trail CBC
- Contact Vern Gauthier to sign up to count (if you didn’t count last year). Your area captain should contact you if you counted last year. If you are new to the count, Vern will assign you to an area and the area captain will contact you.
- All Day. For any additional information, contact Vern Gauthier
PABT Franklin/Fulton County CBC Map

- Christmas Bird Count in Newville area.
- All Day. For information, contact Vern Gauthier
- Christmas Bird Count in York Springs area
- All Day. For information, contact Tim Johnson.

- NEW DATE! Nature Film: Woodpeckers: The Hole Story, PBS.
- Get an intimate look at what makes woodpeckers so special. Explore their unique abilities and intimate stories from around the world. Narrated by Paul Giamatti.
- Door prizes, one free youth binoculars prize. No pre-film music.
- Location: Chambersburg Area Middle School South (CAMS)

- Nature Film: Frogs: The Thin Green Line, PBS.
- Scientists try to save populations of frogs, as large-scale die-offs of the amphibian continue around the world.
- Door prizes, one free youth binoculars prize. No pre-film music.
- Location: Chambersburg Area Middle School South (CAMS)
- Presentation: Bird Is a Verb: An Introduction to Birding
- Presented by Conococheague Audubon members Ron George and Tracy Snyder
If you love learning about the natural world and spending time outdoors, come learn about the many joys and challenges of birding, including why we don’t call it “bird watching” anymore and why you should go birding!
Learn how to identify different species, including the tools you need, when and where to look for birds, the keys to observing birds, and the importance of listening to bird calls.
Along the way, you’ll see original photos of one hundred different species–almost all of them taken here in South Central Pennsylvania. This is just a sample of the amazing variety of birds that live in, pass through, and wander into our part of the world!
Location: Blue Ridge Summit Library. Located at 13676 Monterey Lane
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214