- Planning session for next year’s budget. We walk through the budget, line by line, adjusting plans for next year as needed.
- Officers/executive committee only.
- Please submit budget requests to Donna Hocker no later than 1 March, 2024.
- Via Zoom only
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7211203928?pwd=RXNwMjZpQVNvSHJGRld3cWZFQjJiZz09Meeting ID: 721 120 3928 Passcode: cardinal20
- Leader: Donna Hocker, treasurer

- Planning meeting, primarily for field trips. Followed at 7:30 by Joint Executive Committee/Board of Directors meeting.
- Zoom only
- Leader: Lisa Coombs, vice president
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20
- Work in the native plants garden at NORLO PARK.
- Come and leave when it suits you.
- Bring garden tools and gloves.
- Location: Norlo Park Native Plants Garden
- Contact: Josh Donaldson
Work Day: Adopt-A-Highway clean-up on 2 miles of Route 997 (Black Gap Road) west from I-81. Pick up trash on section with wide shoulders, easy walking. Supplies provided.
Meet at Scotland Park & Ride, I-81 exit 20.
Sign up with John Greer
Work Day: Adopt-A-Highway clean-up on 2 miles of Route 997 (Black Gap Road) west from I-81. Pick up trash on section with wide shoulders, easy walking. Supplies provided.
Meet at Scotland Park & Ride, I-81 exit 20.
Sign up with John Greer
- Executive Committee Budget Planning Meeting
- Only via Zoom
- Leader: Donna Hocker, Treasurer
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20
- Work in the native plants garden at NORLO PARK.
- Come and leave when it suits you.
- Bring garden tools and gloves.
- Location: Norlo Park Native Plants Garden
- Contact: Josh Donaldson
- Work in the native plants garden at NORLO PARK.
- Come and leave when it suits you.
- Bring garden tools and gloves.
- Location: Norlo Park Native Plants Garden
- Contact: Josh Donaldson

- Field Trip Planning Meeting
- All field trip leaders please plan to participate. Immediately following this meeting, there will be a Joint Executive Committee / Board of Directors meeting.
- Only via Zoom
- Leader: Lisa Coombs, Vice President
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20
- Work in the native plants garden at NORLO PARK.
- Come and leave when it suits you.
- Bring garden tools and gloves.
- Location: Norlo Park Native Plants Garden
- Contact: Josh Donaldson