- Nature Film: Season of the Osprey, PBS.
- An osprey soars over a small saltmarsh at the delta of the Connecticut River. From somewhere along the east coast of South America, he has just flown 4,000 miles to the place that is imprinted on his memory since birth, the saltmarsh where he will rejoin his mate.
- Door prizes, one free youth binoculars prize. No pre-film music.
- Location: Chambersburg Area Middle School South (CAMS)

- Nature Film: Big Bend: The Wild Frontier of Texas, PBS.
- Showcasing the natural magic of an extraordinary part of the border between the United States and Mexico over four seasons, this film explores Rio Grande’s Big Bend – a vast unspoiled wonderland of serene beauty and astounding desert landscapes which are home to some of North America’s most enchanting animals.
- Door prizes, one free youth binoculars prize. No pre-film music.
- Location: Chambersburg Area Middle School South (CAMS)
Dr. Doug Tallamy, will present his program Nature’s Best Hope, at the Luhrs Performing Arts Center, 475 Lancaster Dr., Shippensburg. This event is in conjunction with Shippensburg State University’s participation in the Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week, held April 1-8th, and is funded partly by Pepsi Sustainability Funds. Free and open to the public. No reservations required.
Conococheague Audubon Society Outreach
Display table at Tayamentasachta Environmental Center’s Apple Festival. Contact Terri Kochert to help.

- Nature Film: Islands of Wonder: Madagascar, PBS.
- The oldest island on Earth, Madagascar has been isolated longer than any other place in the world. Life here has had time to evolve in unusual ways, resulting in more unique wildlife than possibly any other island on the planet.
- Door prizes, one free youth binoculars prize. No pre-film music.
- Location: Chambersburg Area Middle School South (CAMS)
- Pot luck dinner and members’ photo show. All are welcome.
- Note the start time is 6 PM.
- Members typically contribute one dinner item (casserole, meat, vegetable, salad, pasta, fruit, rolls, etc.) and/or a dessert. Coffee, tea, and jugs/pots of water will be provided.
- Bring your own table setting, including napkin, flatware, plate, bowl, and mug/cup. Let’s try to avoid plastic and disposable items!
- Bring a few photos you wish to share (no more than 15, please) on a USB thumb drive.
- No Zoom. In-person only.
- Location: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church

- NEW DATE! Nature Film: Woodpeckers: The Hole Story, PBS.
- Get an intimate look at what makes woodpeckers so special. Explore their unique abilities and intimate stories from around the world. Narrated by Paul Giamatti.
- Door prizes, one free youth binoculars prize. No pre-film music.
- Location: Chambersburg Area Middle School South (CAMS)

- Nature Film: Frogs: The Thin Green Line, PBS.
- Scientists try to save populations of frogs, as large-scale die-offs of the amphibian continue around the world.
- Door prizes, one free youth binoculars prize. No pre-film music.
- Location: Chambersburg Area Middle School South (CAMS)
- Presentation: Bird Is a Verb: An Introduction to Birding
- Presented by Conococheague Audubon members Ron George and Tracy Snyder
If you love learning about the natural world and spending time outdoors, come learn about the many joys and challenges of birding, including why we don’t call it “bird watching” anymore and why you should go birding!
Learn how to identify different species, including the tools you need, when and where to look for birds, the keys to observing birds, and the importance of listening to bird calls.
Along the way, you’ll see original photos of one hundred different species–almost all of them taken here in South Central Pennsylvania. This is just a sample of the amazing variety of birds that live in, pass through, and wander into our part of the world!
Location: Blue Ridge Summit Library. Located at 13676 Monterey Lane
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214
- Presentation: Bird Is a Verb: An Introduction to Birding
- Presented by Conococheague Audubon members Ron George and Tracy Snyder
If you love learning about the natural world and spending time outdoors, come learn about the many joys and challenges of birding, including why we don’t call it “bird watching” anymore and why you should go birding!
Learn how to identify different species, including the tools you need, when and where to look for birds, the keys to observing birds, and the importance of listening to bird calls.
Along the way, you’ll see original photos of one hundred different species–almost all of them taken here in South Central Pennsylvania. This is just a sample of the amazing variety of birds that live in, pass through, and wander into our part of the world!
Location: Coyle Free Library located at 102 N Main St, Chambersburg PA 17201