- Budget Planning Meeting (Executive Committee)
- Zoom only
- Leader: Donna Hocker, treasurer
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20
- The work day scheduled for 15 April is CANCELLED due to the weather forecast.
- From Josh Donaldson – At this point the forecast is for thunderstorms starting early tomorrow morning and most of the morning so we might as well cancel it already. We’ll take the rain!If the storms happen to clear in the afternoon I’ll probably go out to work, we’ll see. Anyone with questions about what they can work on I can meet there some other time next week just get in touch. Otherwise, as usual, everyone is welcome to work at their convenience (anytime) or come to the next work party!
Serviceberry, Redbud, and Ragwort are all in bloom at the garden, other plants are just beginning to pop through the surface.
Thanks for your interest and contributions!
- Location: Norlo Park Native Plants Garden
- Contact: Josh Donaldson
- Work in the native plants garden at NORLO PARK.
- Come and leave when it suits you.
- Bring garden tools and gloves.
- Location: Norlo Park Native Plants Garden
- Contact: Josh Donaldson

- Outreach: Fun day for beginning birders. Easy walks with seasoned birding buddies, fun activities for children.
- Bring binoculars or use loaners.
- Meet at Visitors Center in Caledonia State Park, Fayetteville. Park in first parking lot beyond Visitors Center.
- Please Pre-register with Dave Cooney, or Janet Tice
- Planning session for next year’s budget. We walk through the budget, line by line, adjusting plans for next year as needed.
- Officers/executive committee only.
- Please submit budget requests to Donna Hocker no later than 1 March, 2024.
- Via Zoom only
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7211203928?pwd=RXNwMjZpQVNvSHJGRld3cWZFQjJiZz09Meeting ID: 721 120 3928 Passcode: cardinal20
- Leader: Donna Hocker, treasurer
- Work in the native plants garden at NORLO PARK.
- Come and leave when it suits you.
- Bring garden tools and gloves.
- Location: Norlo Park Native Plants Garden
- Contact: Josh Donaldson
Work Day: Adopt-A-Highway clean-up on 2 miles of Route 997 (Black Gap Road) west from I-81. Pick up trash on section with wide shoulders, easy walking. Supplies provided.
Meet at Scotland Park & Ride, I-81 exit 20.
Sign up with John Greer
Conococheague Audubon Society Outreach
Display table at Tayamentasachta Environmental Center’s Apple Festival. Contact Terri Kochert to help.
Work Day: Adopt-A-Highway clean-up on 2 miles of Route 997 (Black Gap Road) west from I-81. Pick up trash on section with wide shoulders, easy walking. Supplies provided.
Meet at Scotland Park & Ride, I-81 exit 20.
Sign up with John Greer
- Executive Committee Budget Planning Meeting
- Only via Zoom
- Leader: Donna Hocker, Treasurer
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20