- Pot luck dinner and members’ photo show. All are welcome.
- Note the start time is 6 PM.
- Members typically contribute one dinner item (casserole, meat, vegetable, salad, pasta, fruit, rolls, etc.) and/or a dessert. Coffee, tea, and jugs/pots of water will be provided.
- Bring your own table setting, including napkin, flatware, plate, bowl, and mug/cup. Let’s try to avoid plastic and disposable items!
- Bring a few photos you wish to share (no more than 15, please) on a USB thumb drive.
- No Zoom. In-person only.
- Location: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church

- Outreach: Fun day for beginning birders. Easy walks with seasoned birders, fun activities for children. All families, adults, teens, and children age 6 or older (accompanied by parent/guardian) are welcome. Activities include; Bird Walks, Kid’s Corner, Nature Walk, Birding Bingo, Scavenger Hunt, and refreshments. “Birding Buddies” will help participants identify birds.
- Bring binoculars and a field guide if you have them. A few loaners will be available.
- Meet at Visitors Center in Caledonia State Park, Fayetteville. Park in first parking lot beyond Visitors Center.
- Please Pre-register with Dave Cooney, or Janet Tice

- Beyond Beauty: Native Plants & Pollinators Event
- Native Plants Garden at Norlo Park (3050 Lincoln Way E, Fayetteville, PA 17222)
- Note: This talk and tour are scheduled to start at 6 PM to try to avoid the heat, or at least have some shade in the garden.
- Our walk will be on lawn grass which may not be dry. Rain date is Wednesday, July 16.
- Please contact tour host Josh Donaldson with any questions at 717.264.6920
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