- Compelled: The Evolution of Natural Resource Conservation and Law
- Presented by the author and former Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, H. Dale Hall,
- At the National Conservation Training Center, Byrd Auditorium, 698 Conservation Way, Shepherdstown, WV.
- Budget Planning Meeting (Executive Committee)
- Zoom only
- Leader: Donna Hocker, treasurer
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20

- Planning meeting, primarily for field trips
- Zoom only
- Leader: Lisa Coombs, vice president
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20
- Planning session for next year’s budget. We walk through the budget, line by line, adjusting plans for next year as needed.
- Officers/executive committee only.
- Please submit budget requests to Donna Hocker no later than 1 March, 2024.
- Via Zoom only
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7211203928?pwd=RXNwMjZpQVNvSHJGRld3cWZFQjJiZz09Meeting ID: 721 120 3928 Passcode: cardinal20
- Leader: Donna Hocker, treasurer
Dr. Doug Tallamy, will present his program Nature’s Best Hope, at the Luhrs Performing Arts Center, 475 Lancaster Dr., Shippensburg. This event is in conjunction with Shippensburg State University’s participation in the Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week, held April 1-8th, and is funded partly by Pepsi Sustainability Funds. Free and open to the public. No reservations required.

- Planning meeting, primarily for field trips. Followed at 7:30 by Joint Executive Committee/Board of Directors meeting.
- Zoom only
- Leader: Lisa Coombs, vice president
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20
- Executive Committee Budget Planning Meeting
- Only via Zoom
- Leader: Donna Hocker, Treasurer
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20

- Field Trip Planning Meeting
- All field trip leaders please plan to participate. Immediately following this meeting, there will be a Joint Executive Committee / Board of Directors meeting.
- Only via Zoom
- Leader: Lisa Coombs, Vice President
- Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 721 120 3928
Passcode: cardinal20